Animated Symptoms
From fatigue to tremors, this series of short films tell the real stories and experiences told by people living with symptoms of multiple sclerosis. is a social network offering support and a community hub for people living with multiple sclerosis. As part of their online content, produced a series of films called “Animated Symptoms”. Featuring talking-heads stories from members of the community, sharing their experiences of common MS symptoms and how they cope with them.
Within these films we added animated sections, creatively visualising each narrator's experiences. Producing cartoon-style characters and settings that tell key parts of the stories.
These narratives were also designed to be shared on social media to help inform viewers beyond the community.
Each story featured a different common problem which someone with MS might experience. Told through the perspective of real people from the MS community. really wanted these films to be light-hearted and shareable, even when covering sensitive and potentially embarrassing scenarios. Our animated sequences struck the balance between humour and sensitivity. Resulting in an informative and positive series of short films.
F&E worked on 6 of the 12 films. Watch the full series HERE.