Ankorstore: Black Friday
Ankorstore is a curated marketplace connecting independent brands with local retailers all over Europe. F&E collaborated with them to produce social media animations for their #TakeBlackFriday campaign.
Black Friday is a crucial time for many businesses. However, Ankorstore recognised that standing out was much more difficult for small-scale businesses. Responding to this imbalance, Ankorstore created a Black Friday discount so brands could have sufficient margins to offer sale prices to their customers, and compete with global players. To highlight this imbalance, Ankorstore commissioned F&E to produce a series of targeted social media ads, as part of their Black Friday campaign. Targeting “forgotten” players during Black Friday and communicating Ankorstore's aim of putting smaller, local merchants at the heart of Black Friday.
Designing Ankorstore's Social Media Animations
Our designs built on Ankorstore's established Black Friday identity. Injecting movement and energy into scripts by combining off-centre kinetic typography and live-action footage. At the heart of the campaign, the idea of strength in numbers and uniting independent retailers led the designs. Building energy and pace to communicate a sense of community and unity as the campaign progressed.
Multiformat & Multilingual Campaign
From the beginning, we knew our animations for Ankorstore's Black Friday social media campaign needed to be versatile and responsive. Our designs had to be adaptable for multiple screen sizes and languages. The project also needed us to respond quickly to demand as the campaign gained speed. Building easily adaptable animation projects was key to producing these evolving animated sequences.
Translating the videos wasn't always straightforward. Different translations required the designs to be shuffled and compositions to adapt. Ensuring the same meaning was gained in the various different languages.
In addition to a "hero" film, we created cut-downs and also testimonial talking head style videos featuring Ankorstore's retailers. These all played out on Ankorstore's social media platforms in the build-up to Black Friday.